By working with Facilities Management service providers Soft Service Solutions look at their client side operations and understand whether they are maximising their entitlement, exploring all the commercial opportunities available to them and growing their operation, while at the same time delivering what their client expects.
Soft Service Solutions help Facilities Management companies focus to turn failing contracts in to successful efficiently run contracts. Leading to the Facilities Management Contractor’s client delight with the turn around in service and their greater willingness to award more work as the operational performance improves.
It is important to look at the whole picture, meeting and talking to all the stakeholders to ascertain and clarify all their needs and expectations. Once confirmed defined Service Level Agreements (SLA's) balanced against budgets are the foundation of a successful contract.
Experience has taught us to be very cautious in our approach to managing and delivering operational Soft Facilities Management, we carry that forward into consulting and advising our clients on what we believe will best suit their business.
We have a time tested model based on a triangle A, B, C principles.
Assume nothing- It is very easy to make assumptions based on information given to us but there is always the possibility that an assumption could be made on biased or inaccurate information. It is therefore very important to thoroughly gather as much information before making an assessment.
Believe no one - Just as making an assumption or drawing a wrong conclusion, we have to be able to make judgements based on information provided to us, however if the information is incomplete, if we are provided with an individual's version of an activity, event, or process, or an individual intentionally withholds or embellishes information for whatever reason, to be fair and just we have to take the approach that no one is being entirely honest.
Check everything - Because we follow our A, B, C's and because we assume nothing and believe no one, we complete the triangle to set the foundation of supporting your business by checking everything that we have heard, seen and done. Only then can we be assured that what we recommend is unique to, and right for your business
The language used by Soft Service Solutions and the approach to Facilities Management is down to earth, jargon free and very different to that of competitor organisations. By listening, a clear understanding of Clients goals, aspirations and culture is achieved. Enabling us to deliver a service that strives to surpass expectations.